Ten Questions You Can Ask a Homeless Person

Talk to a homeless person.  Here are 10 conversation starters.

  1. What’s Your Name?
    Treat the person as you would anyone else.  Introduce yourself and learn his/her name.
  2. Are You Homeless?
    Don’t automatically assume that a panhandler or person sitting on the sidewalk is homeless.  They may have a place to stay, but choose to panhandle due to lack of finances.  Even if they’re not homeless, they could have a significant need.
  3. Where Are You From?
    A natural bridge into learning someone’s story is to find out where they’re from, where they’ve been, how they got here and how long they’ve lived in the area.  If they are new to the area, you might be able to give them helpful information about resources they could use.
  4. What Do You Need Most Right Now?
    The best way to help is to find the point of greatest need.  Is it food?  Shelter?  Sickness?  Transportation?  Clothing?  Addiction treatment?
  5. Can I Buy You Something To Eat Or Drink?
    Offer to buy a meal or a cup of coffee and eat together.  A meal can ease the flow of conversation.
  6. How Did You Become Homeless?
    The answers will vary widely.  Be prepared to hear some painful stories.
  7. How Do You Survive?
    You might be surprised to find out where people sleep, how they make money and where they get food.
  8. What Would You Want Other People To Know About You?
    A question like this gives the opportunity to go deeper.
  9. What Do You Hope For Your Future?
    Homeless men and women are often short on hope.  Help them envision a brighter future for themselves.
  10. If You Could Have Three Wishes, What Would They Be?
    This is a classic question used by Mark Horvath in his InvisiblePeople.tv interviews.  Watch a few of his videos to see how easy it is to talk to a homeless man or woman.

There are plenty of other good questions and conversation starters out there.  What ones would you add?

Night with the Homeless